Sunday, October 24, 2010

Half way home...

We're officially half way through the journey to the big day (actually, a little more than half way.)

Yesterday, we went out and did some registry stuff.  First stop was Toy House & Baby Too, here in Jackson.  This is where we shop for gifts for the other children in our lives, but it's really the first time we've gone through the store and really scrutinized what we would like for our child.  If every city in America had a Toy House, that other big toy chain would go out of business.  Of course, the Baby Too section of the store is less about toys and more about life, especially the sleeping and mobility portions.  The best part about Toy House is the staff, they are so nice and pleasant to work with.  At times it felt like we had our own personal shopping assistant, which was great since we really have no idea what we're doing at this point. :)

After registering for all the cool stuff at Toy House, we headed to Target (properly pronounced tahr-zhay), to look for the "day to day you're going to need this, and this, and this" stuff.  Bottles...check, pacifiers...check, onesies...check, etc...check.  The only problem we ran into was trying to register for clothing. Saying that the selection of gender neutral infant clothing is sparse is, shall we say, an understatement. Apparently if you've decided that knowing the gender of your baby in advance isn't something you want to do, retailers don't have much to offer.  Oh well, they always look good in white...

In other news, I think we're feeling our first movements.  For a while there, it was hard to tell if what Sara was feeling was baby know...gas.  I think we've turned the corner though and it's definitely more often baby.  She had me check to see if I could feel anything last night, and I did!  Even knowing that I would eventually feel this little one squirming around in there didn't prepare me for that little flutter I felt.

Work is still super busy, and that doesn't look like it's going to change a whole lot before Christmas.  Fortunately I did get to take a week off recently, and it was wonderful spending all of that time with my beautiful wife and the Lil' Shrimp. We headed up north and did the color tour thing and spent a few days at home doing absolutely nothing. All in all, this experience is going by way too fast for me.  Of course, Sara's experiencing just the opposite.  It feels like she's been pregnant forever :)

We have another doctor's appointment coming up soon, and I think we're quickly heading to the time when they start coming up more often than once a month.  We'll keep you posted if anything changes.

Here's a picture of me, Sara, and the Lil' Shrimp enjoying the Tunnel of Trees in northwest Michigan.  It took us almost 2 hours to drive 30 miles from Harbor Springs to the "end of the road."