Dear Sara,
Will a time come when I stop counting the months since I last saw your smile? Heard your laugh? Kissed your lips? Held you close? We just passed 8...
The trees are changing color. The maple in front of our house has already changed and will lose it's leaves over the next couple of weeks. We are now entering our third season without you and Miranda. Spring...summer...winter to come soon enough...too soon.
It was sixteen years ago this and I had noticed each other and started spending copious amounts of time hanging out together in the dormitory lounge. You asked me to Homecoming 16 years ago this took me a long time to learn what a huge step that was for such a shy girl.
...and now it's 8 months. Eight months since death stole you from us. Eight months of wishing, wondering, learning...wishing.
I love you. I miss you. Give Miranda a kiss from daddy.